December 05, 2006

The plan

Colleen and I were driving back from P-town the other day and started discussing how whatever new thing we do as a couple, one person always has the advantage because they have done that activity before. Neither of us has really started something as a couple without having one person somewhat experience in the activity.
Climbing- I had a head start on skill because I had already done that before Colleen had.
Running- Colleen was already a runner before me so I was inherently at a disadvantage by starting late (of course this implies that there is an amount of competetition, that we all know that relationships have none of HAH!)

We realized that as a couple, we couldn't think of a single thing that we could start where neither of us would have some sort of a disadvantage when compared to the other. The only thing we could finally come up with that neither of us really had a disadvantage at was weight lifting (kinda random but whatever). I think the logic was that neither of us had ever really weightlifted to build any sort of muscle. Sure we both had done it to "stay in shape" but that is more just maintaining than building up muscle.

Long story short (because I have to go shooting in a little bit with Tyler) we went out and got weights, a bench, and are going to see who can increase(percentage increase) biceps, chest, thighs, and calves between January and May.
I gotta say, this makes Col and I sound a little weird now that I am rereading this
but we will see how it goes.

We also realized that this is kinda a newyears resolution kinda thing, BUT, we aren't calling it that, because that would be weird.

And, here is a pic from Greg that I found entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I put $5 on Col

Cute Girls said...

i like that plan. it sounds fun. nothing like a little healthy competition to make a couple fight. good luck, but i am with paco- col is gonna beat you.

Colleen said...

Ha! In your face, noodle-arms! I've got my cheering section and I'm gonna kick some bootaay (your undefined, unmuscular one, that is!)