March 31, 2006


I Love catalina Island! I am sitting here watching Top Gun with several of Rachel's coworkers and we are all trying to out-quote each other. I have never been in a room with anyone who can quote this movie better than I can. Now I am being given a run for my money on who can quote the fastest. Its intense. Oh, an alchohol helps. Did I spell that right?? oh well. And for a parting quote, " Your body's writing checks your body can't cash!"

March 08, 2006

Maiden Peak Shelter

Col, Keely, Myself, Dev, Rhiannon, and Allison skied 6 miles into the Maiden Peak Shelter and spent the night all cozy and warm while it was storming outside. On the way out, I got some phat tracks(but it still didn't justify dragging the board all the way up.

Quality adventure.

Bouldering + Buildings = Buildering!

In a midnight icecream run just a moment ago, I realized that I can't wait for spring! More specifically, I cant wait for the rock and concrete that most OSU buildings are made of to dry out. I went and scrambled up a pipe on West Hall during the icecream run and that got me thinking. OSU needs a buildering guide, or at least a buildering movie. Matt and I are going to try to pull together a video about buiildering at OSU in the coming months. I am partly writing this as a reminder to myself to do this before my ADD kicks in and I go running off on other adventures. The plants are budding out, flowers are starting to bloom and the temps are getting better. I can't wait!

Oh, and the roadie to SoCal is going to be in style; Col's parents just purchased a new SUV for us to drive to Palm Springs. SWEET! JTree and Catalina, Here I Come! Additionally, if you live anywhere within a 2 hour drive of the I-5 corridor, gimmie a call and we can stop off to say hi.

2 weeks in SoCal!

Peace out homies... :)