February 26, 2006

PJ Party

Man, I thought a fort building PJ party would be incredible! But it wasn't. Just mediocre. I had all these grand visions of having a huge sock battle between 2 forts and all sorts of drunken schenanigens but it really just ended up as all omc partys have recently. Meg: lets get Greg drunk. Really drunk! Ian: OK!
and everyone else sat in a large fort we built and talked while sipping their beers. Oh well. It was good to see folks anyway. I'll have to start thinking about a new theme for next months party.

Updated on 3/8/05:
The new party theme is "Celebrate Darrel Not Getting Killed In Afganistan" Woohoo! And he made bank while he was there so he is supplying the kegs! I like this theme.

February 22, 2006

Obligatory Chuck Norris Post

Whats the deal! Suddenly everyone has realized what I have known since 5th grade when I watched the Delta Force movies starring CN. Chuck Norris can kick anyones ass blindfolded, tied up, and drunk. I have seen a lot of lists about how much ass CN or steven segal or Jack Bauer can kick,(see below) but I don't know if I have seen a single mention of their sexual prowesses in bed. There is a lot of talk going on about these guys but really, it is mostly just talk. How many of these people have actually watched a Chuck Norris movie(no "Walker Texas Ranger" doesn't count). Lemme tell you what, if you had seen a real Chuck film, the jokes would stop. He can kick some serious ass and the best thing for you to do would be to run and hide.

-99% of Chuck Norris is kick ass. The remaining 1% is pain in your genitals. The other 10% contributes to world hunger because Chuck Norris always gives 110%.
-The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris's fist.
-Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian.
-Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

And now, just as I am stealing these from the internet to make a point, I find a sexual reference. Go figure.
-Chuck Norris is currently in a legal battle with the makers of Bubble Tape. Norris claims "6 Feet of Fun" is actually the trademark for his penis.

February 20, 2006

Damn, I forgot I even have a Blog

Totally been slackin. Well, I am a slacker.

Since the last post I attempted and successfully climbed Mount Hood with 7 other folks. I am really amazed that a group of 8 could move as fast as we did. We even beat the sun to the top by 15 minutes. By sliding on my ass, I hit 20mph on the way down! (GPS speedometer)

I am taking a class now that is the forestry equivelent of the notorius "biochem" classes. I have never been so befuddled or lost in any class as in this one. It uses calculus to find the optimal combination of variables in a spreadsheet which can be rediculously huge. We are only dealing with spreadsheets of 30x50 variables but I am still completely lost. Half the class failed to get a 70% or better on the midterm and half of those who failed got less than 40%. My main criticism of the teacher is that he is a very poor teacher(you can tell he is rocket-scientist smart but he can't teach this worth a damn!)

Friday night almost ended with me drinking 40z at home by myself but I found a drinking buddy in Molly, which led us to Ariel which led to a drunken plan to go climb Rooster Rock the next day. What a bad idea. The route was covered in snow and ice, enough to make anyone turn around at first sight, but not me! I led a 5.4 pitch which was possibly the sketchiest thing I have ever climbed. It ended up more as wriggling and body friction than real climbing but I made it to the top of the single pitch route in around 1 hour and we were off in 2. Nick would be proud of me for this stunt. To recoup, Ariel and I organized a beer pong game Sat night which turned into a pretty good party at Matt's.

Sunday was climbing at columns with friends and that was a really nice bit of climbing after the nonsense we put up with the day before. Ariel took her first set of lead falls (on my new gear!) while mock leading and I pretty much just vegged out for a day.

Mooner and I have been trying to get a ground up FA on a new wall near a local bouldering area. This place really isn't that impressive, infact, it's downright shitty climbing, but we both needed something to do last week. This is my intor to aid climbing and let me tell you, aid is tedious and ghetto fab. The rock we are drilling in is hard as hell and has already eaten one drill bit. To go free, the climb might be in the 5.12 range. We'll see.

Oh, and if you havent heard of O.A.R. (of a revolution) I suggest you download some. I heard these guys at the Circuit bouldering gym and have been hooked ever since.

Hows that for a blog post! Now it's time to write the usual Tuesday OMC email.