August 24, 2006

Coming to terms with myself

I am going to finally admit that I have fallen off the blogger boat. Colleen just joined the pirate crew as I walked the plank. (her blog is now at I havent updated this in what, like, 3 months or something. Absurdity. I haven't forgotten about it either. I just look at it and don't want to take the time to update it. I want to write a new post but don't want tot take the time to. Things like eating, sleeping, and climbing are getting in the way of blogging. But if I were to stop doing these things in order to make time to blog, then I wouldnt have any thing to blog about. Damn you Catch-22!
Its not like I haven't been doing anything worth blogging about. Its just that when I get to the computer, I can't remember what I tried to remember to blog about earlier in the day. So I will fall back on the usual "here's what I have been up to since the last post. (a lot in this case) In reverse chronological order:
Colleen and I sea-kayaked the Canadian side of the San Juan Islands in B.C. this weekend. We saw tons of cute ocean animals and got to even play with a harbor seal who seemed to think our boat rudder was a large herrring. He played with us for about 20 minutes until we left him (he would have played for ever if we had stayed).

Isn't the little guy cute! We spent 2 nights and 3 days paddling inbetween islands and had an incredible time. The 2nd night was a little creepy though. we were camped on an island next to a seriously haunted island and on the beack where we pulled our boat up on there was a VERY freshly dead seal pup, a slightly more rotten dead seal pup, and evidence of at least 2 more dead seals (4 cochlea bones). This shit gave me the heebie-jeebies for the rest of the night!

Here are some more pics from the trip which aren't of dead baby seals.

I also managed to make it up both Mt. Washington and Three Finger Jack with Logan and Lowell. Washington was a blast since I got to lead all the pitches for the first time, but 3 Finger was a disappointment. The summit pitch was fun, but the ball-bearing like approach made the climb rather unpleasant and sketchy. Nevertheless, here are some weekend photos of the fun.
and the dots around logan are hundreds of butterflies all over 3FJ.

And, as a parting gift, I present: Jon Stewart: I love the part at 3:10.

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