March 02, 2010

Spring Already?!

Man, it has been so nice recently! I love the month of February/May! Got some slacklining done in the quad last week which was excellent. I love slacking; you just set up a line anywhere, and people gravitate to it like moths to a light. Inevitably I meet some new slackliner in Corvallis every time. Slacklining is different for me now. I used to have to focus so hard to stay on, that it was a meditation really. Now, it is easy enough to walk and talk or look up that it has lost some of it's feeling of pure focus. Maybe I need to go set up another highline to force that focus upon myself... :)

It is also time to start thinking about your gardens people!!! This week we are turning over the soil, adding year old compost from our composter, and planting Spinach, Bok Choy, Sugar snaps, and snow peas. I think a small project for this spring will also be to remove a strip of grass near the roses so the sprinklers don't get the roses wet s much. They got horrible blackspot the last year and we lost one due to it I think. We are maybe going to put in a border of Lavender where the grass was. I cant wait!

Oh, and Col and I have been drinking crazy amounts of tea the last few months. For Christmas we got some different kinds of loose leaf tea from the tea shop in Corvallis, and I tell ya, they have some amazing blends! Chai-Chai is the best thing ever, and they ahve some really wonderful green tea varieties as well. I highly recommend Da Zhang Mountain Green Tea if you are going by there.

1 comment:

Nate Meehan said...

Crazy that it's officially spring already, although it seems like it's felt that way for at least a month now... We've managed to get our fruit trees pruned, but we still need to get cranking on the new garden.