September 11, 2007


Today I died a little inside. On my first day of work in Hood River I watched my boss report a grow operation we found in a persons front yard while going house to house. We were telling neighbors not to worry about the helicopter that would be flying around their houses next week and the first house we started at had several healthy plants growing in a nice little garden with other veggies. I had to play dumb and then laugh at the pothead jokes for the next hour. Granted I can understand why he hates pot farmers (he was shot at several years ago after stumbling on another larger grow) but was it really necessary to call this personal use stash in? I am at serious odds with my boss, but he doesn't know it yet... Other than that, I found out i am going to Idaho this saturday for 2 weeks, then to Zion for a week, then straight to New Mexico for 3 weeks. Hopefully tat will be all the travel until spring; then it starts up again. I am realizing this job is going to give me lots of $ but no time to spend it. Quite the little catch-22.

1 comment:

Jake said...

damn, that would make me get all misty too. Yeah Ian, I'm hoping to do one more south Island trip in November and Gregg is supposed to be there by then. Dude, and I'm glad to see some table traversing being done back home. I was introduced to the concept of chair traverse whilst here. Fun!