November 21, 2006

Tons of fun

I had one (possibly the most) fun day at work on saturday. As they cut trees down for timber harvesting on the school forest the limbs and whatnot get piled into huge (10-20ft) piles. Then, after they have dried out all summer, they get burned to release nitrients back into the soil and also to make room for seedling planting. Well, being a pyromaniac, I was ecstatic when the guy incharg of burning asked me and a few others to come help. Our tools for the job were simple; gallon ziploc baggies filled with gelled gasoline (napalm grenades), a backpack sprayer filled with diesel (flamethrower), and a leafblower (to really get the fire hot!). Man, I have never had so much fun. Do you have any IDEA what a leafblower on high power does to a 20 foot tall bonfire!?! It is AWESOME! And there were nearly 100 piles to burn. Man, what a day.

Now I am off to Cali for a week to visit folks for thanksgiving, and hang out with buddies. Man I hate that drive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do these people know the same funhole Ian that I do?? What were they thinking giving you all that destructive stuff? Since you are reading again, The Kite Runner is a really good libro...