October 23, 2007

Big Pimpin in Mormon land

How much do you like your boss? Would you live with him? And work with him? All in the same day? Basically, this is the next two weeks of my life; chillin with the boss man 24/7. I hope I don't go insane. But it is probably going to be hard to go insane living an a castle! UAP got us a house just outside Zion NP that is a palace really. I am watching TV in front of the biggest non-theater screen I have ever seen. My bed has 11 pillows for god sakes! If that isn't a sign of luxury, I dont know what is. I'll put more pictures up soon, because Colleen, I know this house is pretty much your dream house.

Oh, and if you haven't already, I highly recommend statcounter. It lets you see all sorts of cool stuff about who is looking at your blog. I got over 30 hits on Tuesday fyi, with a number of them coming from New Zealand (Jake's friends I assume). Just random little factoids like that. And it is easier to put onto your blog now that the template function in blogger has been streamlined.

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