July 26, 2007

The biggest step

I suspect that many of you have already heard, but to make it official, I shall tell you all about my engagement to Colleen. :)
First off, I had to pick up the ring that morning and the only way I could think of escaping from Colleen for a few moments was to say I got a call from work to go in and fill out a time sheet. Once I had the ring I had to make sure that this was a total surprise, (by the 20 or so "Oh My GAWD!"s that Colleen let out, I think I accomplished that objective) but without a backpack for the hike we were going on I had nowhere to really hide the ring. The logical spot? -Colleen's backpack! She unknowingly carried it with her the whole hike up ;) We hiked up to a small alpine lake near South Sister in the Oregon Cascades and enjoyed a nice swim in the roasting heat first off. We managed to borrow my roommates dog for the afternoon so that was also a good source of entertainment. After the swim we were having a really mushy conversation and she gave me the perfect segue so I decided to go for it, did the whole kneely thing and proposed!
Man, I thought there would be a several day/week grace period before wedding talk started up, but damn! She was right at it within 5 minutes! Look out for next spring as a possible date... Whoa, I am engaged. Weird, I dont feel different... yet I somehow know that I am, well We are.
I also suggest reading Colleens Blog to get the real details because she will give much more in depthe info I am sure.


melanie said...

Ian- i'm impressed. Congratulations to you both. I actually got a little teary eyed when I read her blog. I didn't think you could that romantic. Looking forward to the wedding already!

Josh said...

Cresus Jist Ian! I thought you had a bit worse case of "Peter Pan Syndrome" than that. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you! I just can't believe I learned about this via Jake's blog...what a great invention this site has been :) I can't wait for the wedding...you can count this as my RSVP

Mike said...

Hey, buddy. Congratulations on the engagement! That is awesome and I am very hapy for the two of you. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ian! Awesome. Happy for both of you.

Rachel said...

you restore my faith in the opposite sex. good work, ian!